The Ceramic Shop  

3245 Amber St. 1st Fl.

Philadelphia, PA 19134

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Text Box: To contact us:

Phone: 215-427-9665

Fax: 419-735-1063


Let us custom design a class for your group. Call 215-427-9665 for details.

Here are some workshops we did in the  Summer of  2004:


Standing Figures inspired by the Terracotta Chinese Soldiers.  Two Children ages 10-12 worked with one instructor for four two hour days. Each student made one 14” figure. They will be glazed later in the Fall.


Garden Tile Markers was the theme for the students of Sayre High School in Philadelphia. 12 Students ages 16 worked with 4 instructors to produce vegetable markers for a new garden that the children were involved in creating. The students had to create a three dimensional vegetable and design the front and back of a 14”x8” marker. The students used underglaze pencils to inscribe nutritional information on the tiles. This was a four day project each day the students worked for 3 hours.


Birthday Party Pottery Class for all ages


Private Lessons, make great gift ideas.


Costs / Guidelines:


$50.00 Flat Fee

$10.00 per person per hour of class time.

1 chaperone per 10 children is required.


We provide the Instructor and will design a project that is suitable for the groups age. All tools, stoneware clay, high fire glaze and the firings are also included. If the group wants to use low fire clay and commercial glazes they can buy them from our on site supply store. 25lb bag of clay costs $10.00 and a pint of glaze is typically $8.95. Call for more details.